Anthura Denver: a new champion for the standard assortment!

In the spotlight
The city of Denver is situated in the state of Colorado in the United States. Originally it was a city of gold diggers, so the name for this new variety has been rightly chosen: this productive variety is worth its weight in gold for a Phalaenopsis grower.

The Denver variety grows easily and uniformly, producing during a normal growing period of 26 weeks more than 30% of plants with three spikes and, moreover, it develops spikes. The plant has a flower size of 9 cm and an average plant height of 65 cm. The shelf life has been tested several times (including a one week transport simulation) and amounts to 11 weeks on average.

Orchid Anthura DenverOrchid flower Anthura Denver
Would you like to know more about Denver?

The Anthura Denver variety has elegant white flowers with a soft lilac stripe and a red lip. This makes the variety just a little different from the normal white/red lip and suitable for retail, the specialist trade and wholesale. All in all, Denver is a new champion for the standard assortment of
every Phalaenopsis grower!

This article is part of the Anthurinfo May 2016. Read all articles here.