
This website provides you general information related to products and services of Anthura B.V. The information in question is as correct, complete and relevant as possible. However, no guarantee can be given. The information on this website is adjusted regularly and changes can be applied immediately, without any form of notification.

The information on this website is available without implicit or explicit guarantee in relation to quality, accuracy or suitability for a specific purpose. The product information at the website is based on results obtained from trials carried out on test locations of Anthura.

In case the information given on the website shows inadequacies, Anthura B.V. will put in a great effort to correct this as soon as possible. Anthura B.V. cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damage caused by use of this website or the information given on this website.

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Names of Anthura B.V. varieties are trademarks of Anthura B.V. or its subsidiaries. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring any license or right under any Anthura B.V. patent, copyright, or trademark. A visitor is not allowed to publish or multiply any copyrighted works or other in this website containing information, without written agreement of Anthura B.V. previously (not via own network as well).

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On or via the website you are directed with (hyper) links to other websites and to sources of information that are managed by a third party. Anthura B.V. does not have any technical or intrinsic possibility with respect to control or say with regard to this content and therefore cannot give any guarantee at all about the completeness or correctness of the content, neither about the availability of these websites or sources of information.

The hyperlinks to other websites on this website do not contain any confirmation of the external site or of its contents. The links are offered for your information and ease of use.

General terms of sale and delivery
To all our offers, sales and deliveries apply the General sales and delivery terms of Plantum for ornamental and horticulture cultivation material and plants as well as horticulture materials, filed at the Chamber of Commerce Rotterdam, Gouda office, on 21 May 2012. The General terms of sale and delivery will be sent on request.

Should you have questions or remarks about this website, we request you kindly to contact us via [email protected]